ISI Inspection Report
2024: OMS welcomed ISI Inspectors for a Full School Inspection in February 2024. Under Framework 23, schools no longer receive a one-word judgement or grade; instead, pupil experience is scrutinised under four key areas. The inspection took place over 2.5 days and during that time inspectors observed many lessons, met with staff and pupils and generally got an excellent overview of the school. Questionnaires were sent out to all parents, pupils and staff, and responses were analysed.
The report reflects the excellence of OMS and the superb nature of our care and work with pupils both within and beyond the classroom. We are recognised to have met - and in many cases exceed - all the standards and regulations of running a school and proved to be compliant in all areas. But we go much further than this. We were awarded a Significant Strength for the Nurture of our pupils. We are one of very few schools inspected under the new framework to have been described as exhibiting a Significant Strength. This is a hugely exciting validation of what we do here at OMS. The lead inspector acknowledged that it was the first significant strength that he had issued.
To be described in this way is the highest accolade of the new Inspection structure. It is a label applied only where a school does something truly exceptional and with impact across the whole pupil body. It is designed to be something rare and such affirmation is to be treasured. You can read the full report below.
2023: OMS welcomed ISI Inspectors for a unexpected Progress Monitoring Inspection on 11th January 2023. This was to review the changes implemented since the March 2022 inspection. We are pleased that OMS was assessed as fully compliant and the detailed report can be seen below.
2022: OMS welcomed ISI inspectors on 11th March 2022 to conduct an unexpected safeguarding inspection. While our safeguarding practice was compliant, our Safeguarding Policy had not been correctly updated and was not compliant. This has now been corrected. The full report can be seen below.
2020: The school welcomed ISI inspectors for a full compliance & educational quality inspection in early February 2020.
“We’re delighted to inform you that our ISI inspection report may now be published. To receive ‘Good’ & ‘Excellent’ in the key areas we pride ourselves on - the children’s wellbeing, their emotional development and academic achievement was very gratifying. The report is a tribute to the teachers and support staff at OMS. Well done!”
Key findings 3.1
The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is good.
Pupils demonstrate excellent communication skills.
All pupils make good progress and those with SEND make excellent progress.
Pupils collaborate enthusiastically and productively in lessons.
Pupils throughout the school have positive attitudes to learning.
Pupils’ development of a wider range of skills is limited by the small number of opportunities to extend them outside the classroom.
Key findings 3.2
The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent.
Pupils make excellent decisions when taking charge of their learning.
Pupils have a clear sense of right and wrong, as reflected in their excellent behaviour.
Pupils develop strong and mature relationships with staff and their peers.
Pupils’ awareness of how to stay safe and healthy is very strong.
Pupils are extremely self-aware but feedback and marking does not always indicate clearly how they can improve their work.
You may read the full 2024 report HERE